Monday, February 4, 2008


I just want to say how terrible it is to have to work your whole life to put a roof over your head just so you can have a place to sleep and you are never there because you have to spend the most part of your life working a crappy job you hate. So you really don't get to use your house that you are at work trying to make enough money to pay the bills for when you are really never even at home to enjoy what little you do have. Anyway, I swear that is not going to happen to me! I will find a way around having to work all day long at the hateful job. I want to work like I want to and I want to enjoy what I do! I want to make enough money on my own time so I can enjoy my life w/my little girl and friends, family, and such. I've been checking out jobs online for some kind of relief of this tortured life. I have found a couple of places that are a lot better than going to work although you do still have to work your tail off and be committed to it. If I can get a good start and learn the ropes of home based businesses, then I will have it made. I do love one of my jobs although it will take a little while to really profit due to having to put enough money into it to make it grow into a snowball effect. It is a wonderful place though. They give you the world. . I know this has great potential. I hope to at least make six figures by a year from now. They are great teachers. I have another 5star job with great potential but it starts you off very slow like if you don't know much about anything like writing an ad or simple little things which is great because that's who helped me to know these things and THEN they get into listbuilding and the big stuff. That one is and or 1-800-719-8268 ext. 14728 If you hate to work for people and get up every morning, just start with somethng like this and watch it grow. One day I will never have to work very hard again and I plan to have a lot of money for my family. I know that's not all that counts although it almost is! God forbid someone gets sick or the car breaks down and etc. Well, you all know what I mean.
It can't hurt to try a home biz/online job as long as you're careful of scams and most are. The ones I listed are truely wonderful and the first one is absolutely revolutionary because it's LIVE!
my cell is 1-229-251-3150 or email me at:

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